
Most of these downloads are the funny ones you get sent by mates by e-mail. Enjoy!

All of these files have been zipped up using win zip so that they are quicker to download. Download Winzip for free at

frog in a blender Press the buttons and blend the frog! 656kb
gerbil in a microwave Press the buttons and let the gerbil fry! 710kb
buttons This is the kind of file you send to someone to piss them off 286kb
David Beckham This is a cool file taking the piss out of Davey B's hair 341kb
small penis Do you have a small penis? 11kb
life Another piss off file 202kb
click girl Click the girl. Tiring but well worth it! 495kb
airport sounds A collection of funny things said at the airport 404kb
snowman Another short film involving a randy snowman 394kb
mad cow You won't eat cow after this! 277kb
E-sheep Sheep screen mates 314kb
sniper Be a sniper and shoot holes in your desktop 59kb
whiner A VERY annoying film with someone whining 394kb
Nt50 An error program that could really worry someone 175kb

If you have any more files like this please e-mail them to me.

E-mail me at:
